블로그 이미지


분류 전체보기 (291)
00.SI프로젝트 산출물 (0)
00.센터 운영 문서 (0)
01.DBMS ============.. (0)
01.오라클 (117)
01.MS-SQL (15)
01.MySQL (30)
01.PostgreSql (0)
01.DB튜닝 (28)
====================.. (0)
02.SERVER ==========.. (0)
02.서버-공통 (11)
02.서버-Linux (58)
02.서버-Unix (12)
02.서버-Windows (2)
====================.. (0)
03.APPLICATION =====.. (11)
====================.. (0)
04.ETC =============.. (0)
04.보안 (5)
====================.. (0)
05.개인자료 (1)
06.캠핑관련 (0)
07.OA관련 (1)


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최근에 올라온 글

  • PasteDB.com : Pastebin clone : http://www.pastedb.com
    When working with code, bash scripts, etc.. you'll eventually need to share some with another human. The easiest way to do this is to find a good pastebin type site.
  • StrongerPassword.com : Strong password generator : http://www.strongerpassword.com
    When setting up users, you find yourself gazing around the room trying to think of a good password to hand out. Make it easy by using a website that can generate strong passwords on the fly. Add capital letters, integers, symbols..
  • WhatsIP.net : What is my ip address : http://whatsip.net
    When speaking to someone who is possibly blocked by a firewall, you'll need to know their IP address. This is a nice site that you can send a client to. Easy to remember, short and not overpacked with ads.
  • Check-Pagerank.org : Check Google Pagerank : http://www.check-pagerank.org
    This isn't really a 'Linux admin' tool, but if you're into Linux, you're likely a lot of things.. webmaster included. This site will help you to keep an eye on your website(s) pageranks.
Posted by redkite
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